The Breakaway Society - Post #19

It is over.  This society that we are all part of.  All aspects of it are corrupted and rotten to the core.  Every facet of it has been penetrated and ruined.  Our governments no longer serve us, the people.  They have all been captured by a small, sick group of psychopaths that have all the money, all the power and complete control over the information that we receive.  Our education, legal and health systems are in tatters.  The global money system is a farce.  We are being held hostage by the threat of a global conflict on a scale not seen for decades.  Our elections have been exposed as farcical and meaningless.  There is no part of it that can be saved or altered.

Some of us have known this for a long time.  Others have discovered only recently that we are headed into a disaster of unimaginable proportions.  The past 3 years have shocked even the most seasoned social change activists.  All of us see the impending doom that confronts us unless we find a way out of this situation.

At first glance, the situation seems dire and beyond our control.  Some aspects of this plan against us are decades old, some hundreds of years.  Up until now, our responses, our attempts at pushback, have been confined to a national scale at best.  We have constantly lost ground despite ‘progress’ being celebrated in relatively superficial ways.  

So, here we are.  We will be relegated to the status of ‘failure as a species’ unless we prevent this juggernaut from overwhelming us.  Where does our power lie?  What strategy has never been attempted before?  

I believe that the time has come to begin talking about building a new society.  From the ground up.  One brick at a time.  Something that represents who we truly are.  With no one left behind.  I believe that we can do this by working on the micro and the macro level at the same time.  We can both build our local communities and develop a view of the overarching vision for the planet simultaneously.

Are you up for this journey together?  In your imagination and in your heart of hearts can you imagine being one of the architects of a world that is brilliant?  Some of you might be thinking…”well, I’m not anyone important”.  “I don’t have any power.”  “I wouldn’t know where to start”.

So let’s start with this.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented , and fabulous?

Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won’t feel insecure around you.

When we let our own light shine,

we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Marianne Williamson

“You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true.

You may have to work for it, however.”

Illusions, Richard Bach

Let those who are called come together now to describe the world of our dreams.  Let us share our stories and our energy.  Let us reach out to every corner of this beautiful planet.  

We will build our communities, our countries and our continents from scratch with new ideals.

We will take on a task that has never been attempted before.

Because it is time.

Because it is expected of us.

For now, let us refer to this new world as “Nexus Global”.

I’m at

In the coming weeks and months, we will talk about Health, Education, Immigration, Energy/the Environment, the Economy, War, Poverty, Religion, and Governance.

Share your thoughts on these or any other topics that resonate for you.

Rest up!  We’ve got some building to do!

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